Membership FAQs & Resources
Explore Dance/USA's membership benefits, including exclusive webinars, discounts, and advocacy support.
Dance/USA is developing a 2023 Member Directory but we need your help to make it as accurate as possible! If you are the primary account holder, please review the staff listing in your organization's member profile and make any changes, such as removing former staff and adding newly appointed staff. Detailed instructions can be found under "Update Employee Information" on this page on the Dance/USA website. Note: Only the primary account holder will be able to update your organization’s member profile. If you would like to opt out of the 2023 Member Directory please complete this opt out form.
- Free Archiving and Preservation phone consultation.
- Participation in Council and Affinity Groups;
- Member discount to Dance/USA’s bi-annual conference;
- Member exclusive webinars and workshops;
- The biweekly newsletter “TheSPIN”;
- Job, audition, internship, or fellowship posting on Dance/USA’s website.
- Access to 5-year financial trend analysis on non-profit dance organizations from 2017-2021;
- Access to member survey data;
- Assistance/resource support to find data needed for planning, grant-writing, etc.
- Monthly Advocacy Office Hours to discuss specific federal, state, and local advocacy opportunities;
- Access to the Advocacy listserv;
- Talking points and assistance with scheduling visits with federally elected officials;
- Five peer consultation letters for Visa applications per year.
Free, Field Wide Resources
- Funding Resources
- Archiving and Preservation Resources
- Artist's Legacy Toolkit
- Dance Archives Research Guide
- Dance Heritage Coalition Resources and Programs
- Archival Research Glossary
- Dance/USA Fellowships:
- Archiving and Preservation Fellowship
- Dance/USA Fellowship to Artists (DFA)
- BIPOC Female Choreographers in Ballet Initiative
- Dance/USA Institute for Leadership Training (DILT)
- Bi-Annual Dance/USA Conference
- Dance Forum Participation
- Webinars and workshops
- Dance/USA Awards (Honors, Ernie, Champion)
- Representation in front of Congress, the White House, and other federal agencies
- Access to Advocacy resource lists including:
- Advocacy and Gift Guide Tool kits
- List of key dance and arts related policy issues
- Advocacy updates and Action Alerts
- List of Congressional Hearings and National Events of Interest
- Research/Data Resources
- Monthly Dance/USA Bulletin
- More!
- Task Force on Dancer Health resources
- Building Audiences for the Arts research and resources
- Harassment in the workplace resources
- Music and choreography resources
- Equitable contracting resources
- Audience engagement resources
Fee based, Field Wide Resources
- Jobs, auditions, internships, fellowship postings on Dance/USA’s website, $30
- Peer consultation letter for visa applications, $150
- Archiving and Preservation phone consultation, $40
- Archiving Consultation and Services for Artists and Dance Companies, $500